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Jacqueline Smillie

Caring for Our Eyes, part 2

Conversation between mom and her ophthalmologist:

Doctor, “I don’t understand; you don’t have glaucoma. That’s impossible; glaucoma doesn’t go away.” Mom, “Well I do take progesterone.” Doctor, “What’s that got to do with anything!?”

Without taking medication, mom never suffered from glaucoma again, as long as she took thyroid and progesterone.  She had one recurrance after dad’s death when she stopped taking her hormones.  When she resumed her eyes healed again. Months later she saw a new doctor who showed us images of her optic nerves. He declared that it was impossible that she had ever suffered from glaucoma for her optic nerves were in perfect health.

“The eyes are probably one of the most delicate barometers of the entire body, and that is part of the problem with ophthalmology. We tend to isolate our focus on the eye itself and kind of forget about the rest of the body.”  Dr Deborah Banker, interviewed by Ann West

What if an eye doctor put a glaucoma patient on medication to protect the eyes while at the same time balanced hormones and modified the diet? Perhaps more patients could heal their eyes.

What if an ophthalmologist knew that the body, including the eyes, can self-heal if given what it needs nutritionally, hormonally and energetically?

You have to hunt to find an eye care doctor who is interested in healing the eyes and not just treating symptoms, but holistic eye doctors do exist. Look for a holistic, behavioral, alternative, or integrative optometrist or ophthalmologist, find out their success rate in healing eyes and what modalities they use.

My father called me one night for he had a sudden, severe headache. The next day he was 100% blind. As soon as dad called I rushed him to the nearest after-hour medical clinic. The

doctor saw on father’s medical record that he had ALS. All the doctor would talk about was ALS – which does not cause headaches. Instead of giving dad a high dose of Prednisone dad left empty handed. The inflamed temporal arteries cut off blood supply to his optic nerves. (We understood that mistakes are made and harbored no ill will towards the doctor.)

Conventional medicine and ophthalmology usually state that the optic nerve cannot regenerate. Well, dad and I already knew we could regenerate nerve cells for my father was 80% recovered from ALS paralysis through nerve and brain regeneration. I set to work finding an ophthalmologist who understood and regenerated optic nerves. I found one in Malibu, ophthalmologist. Dr. Deborah Banker.*

At Dr. Banker’s clinic dad’s vision was tested first. Then he’d lie down wearing a “SEED machine” over his eyes for an hour. She’d test his eyes again. This was repeated throughout the day. Each time he was examined dad could see more. These treatments to regenerate his optic nerves, along with aspirin, thyroid and progesterone brought back his eyesight enough that he could slowly read the paper, and work at his computer with larger fonts. The difference in quality of life going from total blindness to this much visual recovery is profound. He never drove a car again, but that he could live with that.

Heal the body and oftentimes the eyes heal concurrently. Initially, my mom, dad and I never set out to heal our eyes. We were focused on healing mom’s blocked arteries and angina, dad’s ALS. and my body’s damage from Advil poisoning. In the process of healing our bodies, mom’s glaucoma healed, dad’s cataracts dissolved, and both my near and farsightedness and my dry eyes improved. It was only dad’s sudden attack of blindness that he took on directly.

Each body is unique and every protocol for self-healing needs to be designed with that in mind. In every family each individual has unique emotional and physical injuries and illnesses necessitating custom design.

Steps my family and I have taken to maintain or restore healthy eyes: 1. Test all hormones and balance.

2. Observe changes and adjust hormone levels to what works best. I work with a nurse practitioner and biochemist who understand that how I feel is more important than the lab numbers.  I use less than recommended for testosterone and more than recommended for the hormone D3. My eyes and overall body and brain energy guide me.

3. Experiment safely, but do experiment. That’s how I learn. When I find a good result, I research why it worked. My blood test showed bottom rung testosterone. The day I started taking it for my joints and muscle weakness I noticed my dry eyes went away. I looked up the relationship between low testosterone and dry eyes and found a correlation.

4. We never take estrogen even if the lab says the levels are low. Estrogen promotes water retention and I’m prone to that and don’t need to make it worse. I avoid estrogenic foods and herbs too, like soy, black cohosh oand evening primrose. 

5. Keep inflammation down by avoiding grains and starches, even rice. Potatoes are fine. I avoid inflammatory fats like soy oil and other polyunsaturated fats which promote cancer, diabetes, weight gain, heart disease and more. I also use grass-fed meat and cheese and drink grass-fed milk as much as possible for the healthier fats. I don’t take Omega 3’s but that’s another story…

6. It’s important for me especially to ensure my gut isn’t inflamed. I press on my belly deeply. If there is no discomfort then I know I’m eating foods that agree with me. A sore gut impacts brain and vision.

7. I eat at least one carrot daily. The raw carrot fiber absorbs toxins and endotoxins in the gut. I like to make a salad with grated carrots, sea salt, sulfite free red wine vinegar and olive oil. Yum.

8. I keep my mineral uptake high. In hot weather I use LMNT, a pure powder of magnesium, potassium and sodium during the day so I am not depleted. I always take magnesium before bed. For all physical activity I take 1/4 – 1/2 tsp baking soda to prevent dropping into an acid state. Not all people need this but I am one person who struggles with too much acid and the soda is a simple and safe remedy.

9. If my gall bladder feels sluggish I take HCL, Pepsin and Ox Bile to fully digest fats. Sometimes this alone soothes dry eyes. Women have more gall bladder issues after menopause. High fat diets can cause dry eyes. The better fats are digested, the better the eyes feel.

8. I exercise my eyes! The rest of my body needs movement to flush out the cells and stay healthy. My eyes do too. I use a variety of Kundalini yoga eye exercises. Here is one to get you started, Inner and Outer Vision. If you need help, call me and I’ll guide you through. If yoga isn’t your thing, order Dr. Banker’s Vision Care Kit.

9. I always, always, always use energy healing for my eyes. NAET for optic nerve and visual processing, Lifewave phototherapy patches, Bio-magnets, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Reiki, Tapping and EMDR to release emotional trauma from the eyes.

10. I keep learning and adjusting. What worked in my forties doesn’t work in my sixties.

11. I believe to be true that my body can heal and I don’t give up. The answers are here for me, I just need the eyes to see them and that can take time. 

* As is so often the case with pioneers, Dr. Banker was under constant attack from conventional ophthalmologists for her work with optic nerve regeneration. Dr. Deborah Banker relocated to Colorado and died in 2007. However, her staff and research people are still using her protocols. You can get more information on the website

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